Estimated Delivery Time = Order's Processing Time + Shipping Time.
You can estimate delivery times by adding the processing time for your order to the delivery time based on your chosen shipping method.
Orders typically process within 1-3 business days, while engraved or custom orders may take up to 1-2 weeks. Once your order ships, you'll receive a shipping notification via email containing your tracking details.
We're delighted to offer FREE Standard Shipping on orders over US$99 to the US, Canada, Australia, and worldwide. For expedited shipping, you can select from our Express Shipping options.
Shipping Methods | Price | Time |
Standard Shipping | $9.9 FREE On Orders Over $99.00 |
7-12 Working days |
Express Shipping | $24.9 FREE On Orders Over $180.00 |
3-6 Working Days |
Once your products ship, you'll receive an email with a tracking number for monitoring. You can also view your order details on the Track My Order page.