Payment Methods


  • Shop and pay online quickly and securely with your PayPal account.We accept PayPal Credit and Pay Later from selected countries
  • Our system will automatically show PayPal as a payment option at checkout for customers from selected countries
  • Exchange loss may occur if the currency of your PayPal account is not the same as on our website.

Credit Cards and Debit Cards

  • We welcome international VISA and MasterCard transactions, provided they successfully pass our fraud detection system.
  • We also accept American Express, Maestro, Discover, Visa Debit, and Electron cards from specific countries.
  • When you proceed to checkout, our system will automatically display the relevant card options for your country.
  • To complete your payment, you will be directed to a third-party partner's website specializing in credit and debit card transactions.

Local Payment:
Google Pay

  • Google Pay offers a convenient, effortless, and widely favored method for online transactions.
  • With built-in security measures to safeguard your transactions before, during, and after each payment.
  • Accepted by all major banks in the United States and beyond, it's a trusted choice for online payments.

Apple Pay

  • Quicker and more convenient than card transactions.
  • No extra or undisclosed fees.
  • Incorporates privacy and security measures.